Welcome to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church!
Please join us for worship as we celebrate and learn of God’s love.

Fall-Winter-Spring Schedule
Sunday Worship at 10:30 a.m.
Sunday School-
The first two Sundays of each month are in person during the worship service.
The third, fourth (and sometimes fifth) Sundays of each month are on Zoom at 9:30 a.m. (EST)
Please email the office at lutheranchurch.goodshepherd@gmail.com for the Zoom link.
Click here for more Sunday School information.
Adult Bible Study is Sundays at 9:30 a.m. and Tuesdays at 1:30 p.m.
Our weekly live-streamed worship can also be found on Facebook at:
Church Office Hours
“By appointment only”
Please contact the church office at 519-667-2006 and leave a message including your phone number and the reason for your call. Or email your request to lutheranchurch.goodshepherd@gmail.com.
Phone messages and email are checked regularly.
Mission of the Month
Each month of the year, Good Shepherd supports a different charity- which is either a local, national, or international organization.
Contact Information
552 Fanshawe Park Road East
London, ON N5X 1L1