Sunday School

We conduct Sunday School classes in a mixed mode. The first two Sundays of each month classes meet in person partway through the 10:30 a.m. worship service. The remaining Sundays each month, classes are conducted via Zoom video conferencing at 9:30 a.m. (EST). Please contact our church office for Zoom class details at

Our Sunday School program is offered from September to June and is held in our lower hall when in-person.

After the children’s message in the worship service, children and teachers meet in the sanctuary, go down to the lower hall together, and divide into classes. Parents can pick up their children when the worship service finishes around 11:30 a.m.

When on Zoom, class starts at 9:30 a.m. (EST) and finishes around 10 a.m. (EST)We have children attending from other time zones- all are welcome. 

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church offers a Sunday School program for children from ages three to thirteen.  Our program from Concordia Publishing House provides materials for four age groups: 


  • the Early Childhood level is for children as young as age three up to, and including, children in senior kindergarten. 
  • the Lower Elementary level is taught to children in Grades 1-3;
  • the Upper Elementary level is taught to children in Grades 4-5;
  • the Middle School level is for children in Grades 6-7.