Sunday School
Post-pandemic we are conducting Sunday School classes in a mixed mode. The first two Sundays of each month classes meet in person, face-to-face. The remaining Sundays each month, classes are conducted via Zoom video conferencing. Please contact our church office for Zoom class details.
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church offers a Sunday School program for children from ages three to thirteen. We use the “Growing in Christ” program from Concordia Publishing House which provides materials for four age groups:
- the Early Childhood level is for children as young as age three up to, and including, children in senior kindergarten.
- the Lower Elementary level is taught to children in Grades 1-3;
- the Upper Elementary level is taught to children in Grades 4-5;
- and the Middle School level is for children in Grades 6-7.
Our Sunday School program is offered from September to June and is held in our lower hall. We have a common opening routine that begins at 9:15 a.m. after which the children break-out to their respective classes at approximately 9:30 a.m. The staff then have a 45 minute teaching period after which the children are dismissed at 10:20 a.m. prior to adult worship service.